Scrabble...I luv this game!
I first started playing Scrabble when I was in the 4th or 5th grade. My grannie taught me how to play and I've loved the game ever since. Even managed to represent my school at an inter-school Scrabble tournament.
I didnt fare too well there...but it was the first time I was introduced to the official Scrabble words which, mind you, are nothing like the words which we use in our everyday sentences. Works like Qi, Jo and Aa are all acceptable and even have meanings!
Recently I've started playing online at and tonight I managed to score my first online Bingo with the word 'Prelude' against some dude called 'Viswa'. I myself go by the nick 'ExNihilo' coz sadly, 'Switchblade' was already taken.
Note - A 'Bingo' is when you use all 7 letters(tiles) at once. You get an extra 50 points added to your score.

Above is a screenshot of my victory. I've uploaded it for everyone to behold!
The words in red have been made by me. After this game I got a cool 20 points added to my ranking bringing me to 557 points which isnt bad but its nowhere near the top players who have over 2000 points.
I've got a long way to go!
oooooooh!!! what website is this? i am crazy about Scrabble. my husband is an ace at it and you wouldnt guess at all his two letter and three letter words... placed strategically in all the BEST spots!!!
where? where?
I know scrable has been quite as engaging as chess...
Congrats!!! Good luck!
Scrabble is a game I learnt really early as well...granny taught me....and she's still better than me! :)
I've been trying to match you - my rating's much lower cos it's like the flippin' tide!!! The handle's bix.
Btw scrabble's also on facebook if you're on it and wanna play with your friends :D
where you been?
Play Manoj. You'll run for your life.
scrabble is one of my favorites as well. 557 is a score to be proud of..
@Stephen: Played Manoj at the Church camp...He beat me by 10 pts...But I did manage a cool bingo against him.
always awesome to hear from a fellow scrabble addict!
handle: JChang504
rating: somewhere around 700
match me if u want sometime. but im not like those guys that are online constantly 'cause i kinda have school to go to...
btw... KO isn't a word! how did u get that past him (B14)? lol and ZO! wow viswa does NOT know his two letter words!
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