Saturday, November 26, 2005

Meatless Day!!

25th of November is Meatless Day!!
I've always celebrated this day by eating a lot of meat! The logic I apply is quite simple. If every living person were a pure vegan, would the people who campaign for Vegetarianism have any purpose in life? I mean, they would be totally jobless! They would have nothing to give speeches on or rally about! Hence i celebrate the day by giving animal rights activists and campaigning Vegans something to live for!! Long live the memory of Sadhu Vaswani!!

Personally, I dont believe in the Vedas but to all those who are practising Vegans (and are Hindus), please take a look at the following link. I dont mean to make fun of anyones beliefs but this is something that demands an answer and i would love to hear what people think about this.


Dagny said...
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Skinniyah said...

Dude, remove anonymous blogging, you'll save yourself some time. It's somewhere is your settings. Welcome to blogger... have a happy stay!